The MEG Association launches web

The Association of Mujeres en Gastronomía continues to take firm steps in its objectives and that is why it has decided to shape the entire movement generated and all the expectations created in the form of a website. With the intention of being able to reach every corner of the planet, the MEG Association launches a website to become the clear reference for all women and men who want to fight day by day to give visibility and recognition that women deserve in the sector gastronomic.

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MEG in Spain joins against invisibility

More than a hundred professionals, representing many others, met yesterday in Valencia to boost the visibility of women in gastronomy in Spain. The meeting was attended by cooks, sommeliers, producers, scientists, journalists, businesswomen and event and congress organizers, among other labor profiles, who have agreed on the first measures.

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MEG shows up in Madrid to value female talent

It started in October 2018 with a meal of friends in Monastrell (Alicante), the restaurant with Michelin Star of Maria José San Román. Relevant women of the sector, such as Carme Ruscalleda, did not miss an appointment where a movement for visibility, equity, the fair recognition of women in a sector managed mainly by men was created.

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